Troubleshooting Flow Series Products

  • Updated

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Troubleshooting Checklist overview 

Before beginning any troubleshooting, please be sure to review our wiring guide to see an overview of how the system works and confirm that your product is wired correctly. If you are experiencing issues with your multicolor LED lights, please follow these troubleshooting steps:

1. Check the power supply: Make sure that the power supply is functioning properly. If the power supply is not providing enough power, this can cause flickering or dimming of individual colors. Check the power and ground source to the controller to ensure you are getting proper power or ground. Try changing your power and/or ground connection to see if any of these fixes the issue. 

2. Check the connections: Ensure that all connections are secure and properly plugged in. Loose connections can cause flickering or dimming of individual colors. Swap the connects around to see if just one of the connectors is faulty. 

3. Check for damaged wires: Look for any signs of damage to the wires. Damaged wires can cause the lights to malfunction. Check any inline fuses to see if they are blown (usually found on the red positive of the controller or wiring harness)  

3. Ensure the product wired correctly: review our wiring guide. If you have the bluetooth controller please be sure you are using the correct app. 

4. Swap outputs on the wiring harness to pinpoint the issue and determine if the problem is the product, driver, or some of the outputs on the controller. 

5. Reset the lights/app : If none of the above steps work, try resetting the lights but cutting power and then re-powering or if using the bluetooth app closing out the app in the background on your phone and turning bluetooth off then back on . If none of these steps resolve your issue, please contact our customer support team for further assistance.


Troubleshooting bluetooth app issues 

  • Turn off Bluetooth on your phone, uninstall and reinstall the app, and try to connect to the logo again
  • Ensure the ground source is clean and connected directly to unpainted metal. We recommend connecting the ground wire to the same location the battery is grounded to
  • Try a different power source. Sometimes a fuse tap wont reach far enough into the fuse or the wire wont provide enough power, so try connecting the logo directly to the battery with an inline fuse
  • Make sure the lights are switched to the  "on" position in the app
  • Make sure that the brightness is not turned all the way down 
  • Try using a different phone/device to connect to the logo
  • Disconnect the controller from power then re-power 


Example product Issues 

Device Not showing up in the app: harness may not be getting power, or the controller may be faulty. Check Power and Ground and make sure the harness / controller is getting proper power. If getting power then the issue is the regulator or controller. The determine if the issue is the regulator or controller simply unplug the controller from the regulator while the regulator is getting power and the lights are plugged up to the regulator. The lights should go to white or display a bunch of strange colors. This means that the regulator is good and sending power to the lights, so the issue is the controller. 

One halo or DRL not cutting on:  This could result from a bad connection or a lousy output of the harness, or a defective product. Swap the outputs to determine the source of the issue. 

Both Halos or DRLs are not cutting on: As a rule of thumb if both sides are doing the same thing, this is usually a source issue. This is likely a faulty controller or harness. 

Product is Dim: This is likely due to a bad or weak connection or an overloaded controller/harness. (too many products on one controller 

LEDs showing when product is off:  The product may have lost connection in the middle of a mode or effect or the product or connector to that product may have gotten water or debris damaged. Try unplugging the product for a few hours and plugging it back up. If problems persist, this is usually the sign of a defective product. 

The product won't cut off: This could result from water getting in between the connections and triggering them to cut on, or the harness may have a weak ground or positive connection. The controller could have also lost the connection to the harness while the product was on.  

The product won't cut on: This could result from water getting in between the connections and triggering them to cut on, or the harness may have a weak ground or positive connection. The controller could have also lost the connection to the harness while the product was on.  

Product just showing red or green and nothing else: This is usually the result of either a bad connection or a faulty product. Unplug the product and plug it back in then go through the troubleshooting checklist to determine

Halos or DRL Boards Work but some LEDs are off-color or out completely: Unplug the faulty product and then plug it back in to reset. If the problem persists this is likely the result of a defective product.



Flow LED Components breakdown 


Bluetooth / RF Controller / Wiring Harness 

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Here are Some Other Signs You may have a Bad Bluetooth Unit 

  • The phone will only connect within a few inches of the controller instead of a wide range. 
  • You have Checked the red 10amp inline fuse on the regulator and confirmed power is going into the regulator but the device (Flow LED) won't pop up in the app. 
  • The phone won't connect within the app or the RF controller wont work after confirming you have Bluetooth turned on and wiring correct or an error message keeps popping up 
  • As a rule of thumb, if both sides are doing the same thing, this is usually a source issue, This is likely a faulty controller
  • If all products hooked up the controller all have the same issue (ie green color not working/ lights get stuck on the color white or, purple, etc color not working ) this is likely also a sign of a faulty source ie Bluetooth controller, or regulator  


Here are some more signs you may have a Bad Handheld Controller 

  • The controller won't respond to the receiver or LED will not cut on after you have confirmed the battery is good on the remote (when the button is pressed you will see a red light on the remote to signal remote has a good battery) 
  • If all products hooked up to the controller all have the same issue (ie green color not working/ lights get stuck on the color blue, purple color not working ) this is likely also a sign of a faulty source ie. the controller or regulator. 
  • lights stay stuck on and won't change colors or move 


How to fix

Please reach out to support and let us know that you have completed the RGB Halo kits troubleshooting guide and that you have determined the issue to be the RF Handheld controller. When reaching out, please provide your order number and a picture of the controller or video stating your controller is bad . 

 LED Product (Flow) 

(ex. halo kit or DRL boards, etc.)  C.png

How to tell if you have a bad Led product: 

Please factor out the controller and regulator first by following the other troubleshooting guides for these components. Here are some signs you have a faulty LED product. 

  • Some LED's missing in the halo, strip, or DRL board. 
  • The LED product won't cut on at all (rare) usually when defective item cuts on but displays missing LEDs or flickering. 
  • LED product colors not matching or some of the colors on a product not working all of a sudden after working correctly for some time. 

How to fix

Please reach out to support for warranty and let us know that you have completed the RGB Halo kits troubleshooting guide and determined the issue to be the LED Unit Itself. Please provide your order number and a picture or video of the faulty product fault when reaching out. 



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